When it comes to my engineering capstone project, there are many problems that I fear, but the one I am most afraid of is our physical prototype. Even though we have purchased our materials, we must still play the waiting game and see whether or not our physical prototype will actually function. This also relates to our code, since we are not able to test our program yet and determine of our prototype actually functions. However, when it comes to some glows of my capstone project, the overall work ethic of my group is extremely high, allowing this entire design process to be very smooth and everyone having a specific role in the group. In addition, contact with our mentor has been very easy as well, allowing us to determine how to perform fundamental steps in our engineering design process and change anything in our research that could be useless or damaging to our project.
When it comes to advice for future engineering groups, I encourage them to get all of this work ahead of time and not have to worry about rushing the purchase and builds of prototypes. Even though my year due to distanced learning has made this a lot harder, it is still very important to ensure that everyone is on top of their work and considering what the first prototype would look like. In addition, I also advise them to assign everyone a specific role in the project such as lead designer, lead researcher, etc. This allows for greater time efficiency and less confusion in what everybody is doing in the project.